The weather was perfect and the corn, picked fresh in the morning, was enjoyed by everyone at our Community Corn Roast and Annual General Meeting, on September 21st. It was estimated over a hundred neighbours attended.
This annual community gathering is where we also discuss news, updates from our La Croisée community “non-profit” association. However, most of the time is spent in open discussion, the sharing of concerns, ideas and possibilities for the community.
Special guests included Greg Fergus, André Fortin and Mike Duggan. A special thanks to all the community volunteers who helped with our event and for all the neighbours who came to the park and participated in our General Meeting.
Discussions included:
- State of our non-profit finances
- Golf Course dead trees – spring removal
- New bus shelter (Maple Grove/Chemin d’Aylmer)
- Snow removal on paths to bus stops
- Parking/snow clearing – rue de la Croisée
- Housing development and public space
- New high school
- Upcoming surveys/polls
- Community events – 2020
- Community storage shed program update
- Traffic calming initiative – update rue du Golf
- Volunteers on the Board of the non-profit Community Association
Again – a huge thank you for all the event volunteers and for everyone who participated in the event.